
Accelerate innovation, empower employees, solve business problems, deliver data/AI and GenAI use cases.

What is a hackathon delivered by Artefact Open Innovation?


Lorenzo Croati

"黑客马拉松是新的团队会议。它以半天到三天的一项活动取代多个一小时的会议,让 20 到 120 人的团队合作解决问题,更快地做出决策。我们为每个团队提供设计思维专家以及 DS/DA/DE 专业人员的指导和创新支持"。

Lorenzo Croati, Partner at Artefact

VALEO’s first GenAI hackathon: Fast-tracking GenAI solutions in 2.5 days.


A 2.5-day hackathon for 100+ Valeo collaborators and 16 Artefact data scientists and engineers to solve concrete business problems using generative AI.

Following Artefact Open Innovation’s methodology, they were able to go from ideation to the creation of an MVP directly applicable to the business.

This pioneering GenAI hackathon generated over 600 innovative ideas, culminating in the rapid development and selection of three transformative GenAI projects, providing “Six months’ worth of work in under 3 days,” says Isabelle Fraine, Google Cloud Managing Director France.

A fast lane from idea to delivery to foster innovation and AI acculturation.


Use case

Leveraging a bottom-up approach to generate innovative ideas, while training talents in new technologies and ways of working.
Since 2017, Startup Inside (now Artefact Open Innovation) has supported LVMH to launch 17 hackathons worldwide.
1200+ LVMH employees have participated in a DARE hackathon developing new skills and enriching their network through this immersive intrapreneurial experience. Since the launch of the initiative, 50+ ideas have been incubated, and 20+ innovative projects have become reality.


“DARE is a cornerstone initiative of our talent development strategy. It’s an opportunity for our innovative and skilled talents to build their network, discover and share ideas and development approaches, and promote a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship within the group.”
Chantal Gaemperle, EVP of Human Resources and Synergies


Use case

Orange Marketing MEA:在最短时间内 构思到展示 最有价值的 GenAI 用例。

来自 Orange MEA 的 40 位 CMO、10 位Artefact 数据科学家、5 位谷歌专家和 5 位主持人参加了为期 1 天的黑客马拉松,在马拉松结束后的 6 周内产生了 50 多个想法,选出3 个使用案例,并交付1 个 使用案例

Experience rated 4.8/5 by participants.


Use case


9 个多学科团队的工作中,我们选出了 4 个使用案例 ,并在黑客马拉松之后的几周内交付2 个 使用案例

Artefact 动员了 2 名数据科学家和 3 名设计思维专家,加强了合作间的努力,取得了有影响力的成果。

This hackathon was rated 4,9/5 by participants.


——Florence Louppe,Diot-Siaci 企业解决方案总经理

Artefact Open Innovation has organized 450+ hackathons for clients across multiple sectors.

Leverage data, AI, and transversal collaboration to drive innovation.

Acculturate and develop talents around data/AI and GenAI use cases.

Acculturate and develop talents around data/AI and GenAI use cases.

Crack data problems with domain leaders and key stakeholders.

Crack data problems with domain leaders and key stakeholders.

Deliver data, AI, and GenAI use cases.

Deliver data, AI, and GenAI use cases.

An end-to-end approach from ideation to delivery

From ideation to delivery.

Our dedicated hackathon organization taskforce offers diverse skills and expertise, including project management, event planning, marketing, and technical knowledge, to deliver a successful event every time.

Artefact’s eight-step process covers every aspect of the hackathon, from defining its objectives, scope, and format, to identifying the most valuable sponsors and partners, to providing post-event support.